What to Buy and What Not to Buy on this Dhanteras 2023

What to buy and what not to buy on Dhanteras can be perplexing, with traditions dictating what to buy and what not to buy. Dhanteras is a vibrant Hindu festival celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. It holds a special place in people’s hearts, as it is believed that making significant purchases on this auspicious day will attract blessings from the god of wealth Kuber and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. Here are some popular items to consider acquiring on Dhanteras to usher in good luck and prosperity:

What to Buy on Dhanteras:

Gold Jewellery:

Gold Jewellery
Gold Jewellery

Adorning oneself with gold jewellery during festivals is not only a fashion statement but also a symbol of auspiciousness. It’s believed to signify financial stability and prosperity, serving as a valuable long-term asset that can provide support during challenging times.

Gold and Silver Coins:

Gold and Silver Coins
Gold and Silver Coins

Coins engraved with images of Lord Ganesha or Goddess Lakshmi hold immense significance as they are thought to bring success, wealth, and overall good fortune. These coins are often treasured and cherished.




Purchasing new utensils on Dhanteras is a tradition deeply rooted in the belief that it will bring good luck and prosperity to the household. It’s a way of ensuring abundance in your kitchen and home.



Buying a new broom on Dhanteras carries a symbolic meaning. It’s believed to symbolize the act of sweeping away all the negative energy from the house, making way for positivity, cleanliness, and good luck to enter your home.

Gomti Chakra:

Gomti chakra
Gomti chakra

Gomti chakra is a rare natural shell stone found in the Gomti River in Dwarka, Gujarat. This unique and sacred item is believed to bestow good luck, wealth, and prosperity upon its possessor. It’s a cherished symbol of positivity and well-being.

What Not to Buy on Dhanteras:

However, there are specific items that one should steer clear of purchasing on Dhanteras. Here’s a list of things that are best avoided on this auspicious day.

However, there are some age-old customs and beliefs associated with Dhanteras that you should keep in mind:


It’s considered inauspicious to buy iron utensils or items made of iron on Dhanteras. People believe that doing so may displease Lord Kuber, the God of wealth, and hinder his blessings.


While many follow the tradition of purchasing steel items and utensils on Dhanteras, it is advisable not to buy steel on this auspicious day. Instead, consider opting for copper or bronze items.

Sharp objects:

As Dhanteras is a day of positivity and auspiciousness, it’s best to avoid buying sharp objects like knives and scissors. These items are thought to bring bad luck to the household.

Empty vessels:

When buying utensils or vessels, ensure they are not empty but filled with food or water. Shops typically don’t add these contents for you. To make it meaningful, fill them with water or food before bringing them into your home on Dhanteras.

Aluminium and plastic products:

Stay away from aluminium and plastic products during Dhanteras. Instead, consider purchasing articles made of metal, which are deemed more suitable for this occasion.


Purchasing oil or ghee on Dhanteras is generally considered inauspicious. If you require such ingredients, it’s better to buy them a day in advance or after Dhanteras to avoid any negativity.

Fake gold:

Gold is often a popular choice on Dhanteras shopping lists. However, be cautious of fake gold jewelry, coins, or other items, and ensure that you invest in genuine and precious gold items.

So, as you prepare for Dhanteras in 2023, remember these customs and beliefs while making your purchases. May this Dhanteras bring you and your family all the blessings and prosperity you deserve.

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