On World AIDS Day, here is the list of 6 most affected countries of the world

NO. 6 Zimbabwe AIDS Rate: 11.6% Zimbabwe ranks sixth globally in AIDS prevalence, with around 1.3 million people contending with the disease.

5. Namibia AIDS Rate: 11.8% Namibia houses about 237,000 with HIV/AIDS, ranking among countries with one of the highest AIDS rates.

4. Botswana AIDS Rate: 18.3% AIDS is a significant health issue in Botswana, with an estimated 18.3% prevalence of HIV.

3. South Africa AIDS Rate: 18.6% South Africa hosts around 7.5 million people with HIV/AIDS, ranking among the world's highest-prevalence countries.

2. Lesotho AIDS Rate: 20.9% Lesotho's AIDS rate is among the world's highest, impacting around 21% of those aged 15-49 in population.

1. Eswatini AIDS Rate: 27.9% About 28% of Eswatini's 15-49 age group faces HIV/AIDS, bringing considerable challenges to individuals and the nation.